E-mail www4x4hockeyca@outlook.com if your question isn’t answered here.
Until we know how many teams we end up with in each division we cannot say. However, we solicit schedule requests and try to draft schedules that assist players/teams with other activities that conflict. We almost never play Fridays. We meet the vast majority of schedule requests, however its impossible to meet all requests.
Normally there is one game a week played. However, there are occasionally 2 games played in a week. Teams sometimes wish to skip a week due to other commitments and this can cause a week with 2 games played. This isn’t common though.
We do what we can to meet every schedule request. However, with the dozens of requests received we cannot possibly meet all of the requests. However, we do meet the vast majority of requests.
When you register your kids on-line you will be asked if you are registering as an independent player. If you answer yes, another question will ask you if you have anyone you wish to play with. We then make every effort to place these players on the same team. Usually works out.
In Initiation the goalie position changes every game so by the end of the season everyone plays goal once. In Novice there usually is a full-time goalie, however that is up to the team manager and other team parents to decide. You can rotate or have one player designated as the goalie – it’s up to you.
No. We only provide goalie gear in Initiation. However, we can loan goalie gear to Novice teams on an emergency basis. Assuming the gear meant for Initiation fits your Novice aged player.
The jersey numbers will be numbered from 1 to whatever number of players you register over 11. Min 11 jerseys supplied. ie. #’s 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 & so on. Their jersey number will be the number of the jersey that fits that player.
In Initiation we supply a goalie jersey. So you will have one designated goalie jersey for whoever is goaltending each game.
You can secure your team’s spot by registering your team and then registering and paying for 1 player on the team. Then, as long as you have registered and paid for all 11 players by March 14th, you are locked in.
We can assist you to complete your roster if needed, as we always have Free Agents looking for teams to play on. See the Free Agents tab at the top of our Home Page.
We allow teams to have 1 goalie and up to 12 skaters (13 players) as long as all parents on the team agree, The players over the 11 minimum on a roster must pay the full time player rate to register.
Yes. However, if you are short players at a game you risk forfeiting the game. Teams must ice at least 8 skaters plus a goalie to play the game, at least 7 of these 8 skaters need to be from the team’s regular roster. The team fee can then be split between the 9 players. However, the team fee must be paid in one payment when registering the team.
Yes. As long as their skills allow for them to safely and competitively play in that division. This is limited to playing up in the Rec division unless permission is received from the league for Comp. Playing 2 levels up Rec or Comp is not allowed.
Yes. As long as their skills allow for them to safely and competitively play in that division. We have had high end female teams play up a division. And if a female team wishes to play down a division this is allowed as well.
All divisions are full ice!
The season runs from April 1st to around June 19th.
If you’re going to play spring hockey make it worthwhile, 4×4 provides massive ice time